WP Sequence Slider

WP Sequence Slider

WordPress Sequence Slider Plugin is a beautifully designed and an elegant plugin. It's simple, very easy to use, modern and responsive slider.

  • Frequently updated
    Very good! This plugin is actively maintained and the last update was released 3007 days ago.
  • This plugin is not tested with the last major release of WordPress
    Content for list item
  • There is no information available which PHP version this plugin requires
    The latest stable PHP 8.3.9 was released on 04 July 2024
  • No information about vulnerabilities and unfixed security issues is available.
    Content for list item



Active installs


Total Downloads


Support Threads


Last updated

03 May 2016


25 February 2014


  • Version 0.1
  • Version 1.0

About WP Sequence Slider


Where can I get support?

Please use the support forum to ask questions the link is below.

How to install WP Sequence Slider

  1. Upload and extract the zip file downloaded to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Click on the new menu item “WP Sequence Slider” and create your first slide.
  4. Use the slider shortcode [sequence_slider] to insert the slider into your posts or pages. This displays all slides in the slider.
  5. To display all slides from a WP Sequence Slider category, add slider_category parameter to the shortcode. You can use either the name of the category or the slug for the category for the value of the parameter slider_category. For example, [sequence_slider slider_category="Beautiful Mountains"]. More examples: [sequence_slider slider_category=Lakes], [sequence_slider slider_category=serene-forests].
  6. By default the slider shows maximum number of slides as set for “Blog pages show at most” on the Reading settings of the blog. If you want to overide it, then you can add the parameter limit to the shortcode. For example, [sequence_slider slider_category=serene-forests limit=8].
  7. If you want to call the slider anywhere in the template page, use this php code <?php echo sequence_slider_display(); ?>.