22 April 2014
14 January 2011
Based on 7 on WordPress.org
NO! This is the first rule of plugin development. Never ever change or touch core files, settings or database schema.
Not possible. Double check that you deactivated the ‘pages-children’ plugin. When active the plugin uses filters to alter the way the page listing is displayed. So once deactivated these filters are no longer used. See first question about changes to core WP code.
YES. As of version 1.4 the plugin now works with any custom post type which is setup as hierarchical.
YES. This was added in version 1.5. now taxonomies defined as hierarchical will be presented similar to post types, one level at a time.
I’ve only tested the plugin using the default WordPress admin interface. Note the plugin relies on some specific structures of the output tables used for the listing. If the admin theme you are using changes this then my plugin code will no longer work. Sorry.
Not much. For some reason the WP-ecommerce plugin effects the logic of the Pages-Children plugin. I’ve not been able to figure out the conflict. But continue to investigate.
*2011-08-03: Minor bug fixes to declare unset variables. Thanks to the many users of my plugin who reported these issues. Note these are Warning not errors.
Added more logic on the Taxonomy Terms management screen. Have correct the pager logic. In previous versions the pager considered all the terms within the taxonomy. Now the pager is just used for the level of terms displayed. Also, on the Add new term form the dropdown for parent is now set to the parent term being displayed.
*2011-07-01: Added support for any taxonomies which are defined as hierarchical.