15 January 2010
30 November 2009
Based on 0 on WordPress.org
Just type in the page and category-ids in a comma separated list in the “Order” widget option.
The items will be displayed in the exact order you typed in from top to bottom. Remember to add
a trailing “p” to every single page id. If your page id is 42 you’ll have to write down 42p.
If you’re not sure about page and category ids search for a plugin or hover the links in the
listing views and look into the statusbar of your browser. The id should be part of the url.
You can define excludes and stuff like that by providing args to Page-Cat-List that you would
normally hand over to get_pages or
get_categories. Just take
the syntax from there.
Well…click on the screenshots section. The important stuff is handled there.