31 July 2022
16 January 2007
Based on 3 on WordPress.org
Simply edit style.css, pagebar.css, or whatever CSS file your defintions are stored:
.pagebar {
text-align: center;
*fixed: non administrators could change settings
Added Belarussian translation. Thanks to Ilya of www.fatcow.com
Make sure you have PHP 5 installed, which is required for this plugin!!!
Copy files
Unpack the archive and copy the files into a directory called “pagebar” in
your plugin directory (usually …/wp-content-plugins/). Copy the file “pagebar.css”
into your themes directory or copy the content to the theme’s “style.css” file.
Adding postbar to your blog posts
There are two ways of inserting postbar into you blog:
Automatic installation
If you have a simple blog (e.g. the default theme) you can easily add postbar by selecting �Automagic insertion� in the options page. Then you can select where you want the postbar to appear:
+Manual installation
If the automatic insertion is not suitable for your blog because your theme has more than one posting loop you can add postbar manually to your blog by editing some of your themes files. Simply add the following code directly behind The Loop in your index.php and search.php:
if (function_exists('postbar'))
Of course you may want to configure postbar to your needs using the option page and by editing the pagebar.css style file.
Adding pagebar to your multipaged posts
This pagebar can not be displayed automatically so you have to edit the file “page.php”. If your theme contains the standard navigation for multipaged posts you first have to delete the following code:
wp_link_pages(array('before' => '<p><strong>' .
__('Pages:', 'kubrick') . '</strong> ', 'after' => '</p>', 'next_or_number' => 'number'));
(The code does not have to look necessarily exactly the same, this example is from the WordPress default theme.) Then you can add the multipagebar to your pages:
if (function_exists('multipagebar'))
You can customize the display of your multipagebar by editing the settings in the Multipagebar tab on the pagebar option page.
Adding pagebar to your paged comments
This pagebar can not be added automatically (there is no action indicating the end of the comment loop) so you have to edit the file “comments.php”. If your theme contains the standard navigation for paged comments you first have to delete the following code:
(The code does not have to look necessarily exactly the same, this example is from the WordPress default theme.) Then you can add the commentbar to your pages:
if (function_exists('commentbar'))
pagebar v2.5+ introduces a new database structure for its settings. Formerly there was only one entry in “wp_options” called “pagebar”. Since there are now three different pagebars (“postbar”, “commentbar” and “multipagebar”), the options are splitted into three entries (“postbar”, “commentbar” and “multipagebar” respectively).
After installation (either through WordPress update or manually per FTP) pagebar copies the settings stored in “pagebar” to the new “postbar” entry and sets “commentbar” and “multipagebar” to inherit the settings so everything should look fine without manual interference. The “commentbar” and “multipagebar” have to be installed manually though.