05 April 2019
10 August 2014
Based on 4 on WordPress.org
Whitelists are additive – every user has access to all pages in all whitelists they’re assigned to. ‘Strict’ whitelists have priority – once a user is assigned to a whitelist that disables creation of new pages, they are not allowed to do so (even if other whitelists are ‘non-strict’).
This is most likely caused by a missing capability ‘edit-pages’. Page Whitelists is substractive, so the user must have access to all pages first. This can happen if you previously used another access manager, especially Role Scoper, and it didn’t reset the capabilities properly when uninstalling.
You can fix that easily with any plugin that can edit user roles (for example User Role Editor).
Github: https://github.com/corvidism/page-whitelists Like many other WP plugin developers, I primarily use git for versioning, so this is the most recent version of the plugin. If you ever wanted to make modifications to the code, I recommend using files from the Github repo.
= 4.0.2=
Last version.
New – pages in Whitelist editor are now arranged in a tree, so parent-child branches can be selected simultaneously.
New – names and links to assigned pages in the Whitelist table.
New – new plugin options controlling default behavior of whitelists and scope of filtering. Whitelist management was moved under Users, the Page Whitelists page under Settings now contains default plugin settings.
Numerous bug fixes.
Bug fix – fixed compatibility issues with NextGen Gallery – creating albums when user is assigned to a strict whitelist.
Enhancement – less log messages when WP_Debug is on.
Bug fix – missing file wp-content/plugins/page-whitelists/templates/profile_field.php
causes Fatal Error on Edit User page.
Bug fix – setting strict whitelist also blocked creation of new posts (creator-introduced bug, I am very sorry)
Bug fix – fixed an issue with plugins that allow creation of pages
Plugin compatibility fix – Tree Page View.
New – column with assigned whitelists in User Table
New – field on User Profile editor
New – select all/none pages when creating/editing whitelist.
Bug fix – plugin now doesn’t throw error on screen-less admin pages (various AJAX helpers for plugins etc.)
New – plugin now filters all backend queries that request pages (usually by other plugins) including those made by AJAX.
Bug fix – automatic addition of newly created pages to non-strict whitelists now works.
You can also add page to a whitelist when editing it in Page Editor, or a user through User Editor. Additional (default) plugin settings can be edited in Settings->Page Whitelists.