WARNING: USE ONLY WITH JAVASCRIPT! The backend of this plugin works only with browser with javascript enabled
This plugin allows to dynamically activate the widgets system on a WordPress page, creating complex layouts.
You can define new layout via the function register_layout()
in the function.php file of your theme.
The plugin define two sample defaults layouts that you can see in Screenshots section.
// <your_theme>/function.php
if ( function_exists('register_layout') ){
'name' => 'Name of Layout',
'zones' => array( 'name of zone one', 'name of zone two', 'name of zone three' [, ...] ),
'thumbnail' => 'thumbnail-of-layout.jpg', // with extension (jpg/gif/png)
'template' => 'name-of-php-template-file' // without extension
The code of the new template plans to use a new property of the global object $post: $post-> layout
$zones = $post->layout['zones'];
foreach ($zones as $zone){
The php template file should be placed in the folder layouts
of your theme folder (/wp-content/themes/<your_theme>/layouts/<name-of-php-template-file>.php
) or in the plugin folder (/wp-content/plugins/page-layout/layouts/<name-of-php-template-file>.php
) if you want the layout to be independent from the theme.
The thumbnail should be placed in the child folder of layouts
: layouts/thumb/<thumbnail-of-layout.jpg>
If you want to include also a related css file separate from the theme installed you can create it in /wp-content/plugins/page-layout/css/page-layout-general.css
or for each php template /wp-content/plugins/page-layout/css/page-layout-<name-of-php-template-file>.css
The plugin include a simple widget to display the content of current page
This plugin is released under the GPL, you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial blog.
If you want to help to translate the plugin to your language, please have a look at the .pot file which contains all defintions and may be used with a gettext editor like Poedit (Windows).
Please refer to the WordPress Codex for more information.