Page Generator is a mass page generator (sometimes called a bulk page generator or bulk post generator) that creates multiple pages in bulk.
To produce unique multiple page generator variations, keywords are used in the Plugin’s content.
Each keyword contains the data you want – such as names, locations, services. Page Generator will then create your WordPress Pages accordingly, saving you time vs. manually creating Pages one by one.
Page Generator can be used as a mass page creator or bulk post generator for any type of WordPress Pages, including:
– Landing Pages, with service and location details (e.g. Web Design in New York, Web Design in London, Web Development in New York, Web Development in London etc)
– Personalised Pages e.g. name-specific award/certificate pages
– Individual Specific Pages
– Producing real world placeholder content for testing Themes and Plugins with specific HTML / Blocks / Layout combinations across multiple WordPress Pages
Each keyword contain multiple words or phrases that are then cycled through for each Page that is generated depending on the chosen method:
– All: Generates Pages for all possible unique combinations of terms across all keywords used.
– Sequential: Honors the order of terms in each keyword used. Once all terms have been used in a keyword, the generator stops.
Full Control
Made a mistake in your mass generated content or Keywords? Page Generator can trash or delete its generated pages, allowing you to generate them again.
You can also limit the number of pages to generate, and Test mode generates a single page in draft mode to preview the results before full mass page generation.
Generate Posts and Custom Post Types Create as many Generation Groups as you wish, each with different settings, for any Post Type.
Generate Nearby Cities, Counties, ZIP Codes and Phone Area Codes Enter a city name, country and radius to automatically build a keyword containing all nearby cities, counties, ZIP codes and/or Phone Area Codes.
Import Keyword Lists Import your text file and CSV keyword lists, or link to remote data
Build Interlinked Directory Sites Full support for hierarchical content generation and interlinking, such as Region > County > City > ZIP Code > Service.
Full Content Control Use WordPress’ native interface to edit the Title, Permalink, Content, Excerpt, Custom Fields and more.
Page Builder Support Works with Ark, Avada, Avia, Beaver Builder, BeTheme, Bold, Divi, Elementor, Enfold, Flatsome, Fusion Builder, Fresh Builder, Live Composer, Muffin, Pro, SiteOrigin, Thrive Architect, Visual Composer and X.
Advanced Scheduling Functionality Publish content in the past, now or schedule for the future for your campaigns.
Powerful Content Generation Generate content in-browser, using WP-Cron or WP-CLI.
Overwrite or Skip Existing Generated Content Refresh existing content, correct mistakes in previously generated Pages or choose to skip already generated content to avoid duplication.
Embed Dynamic Images, Maps, Wikipedia and Yelp Content Dynamic shortcodes can be inserted into your content to output Google Maps, Media Library Images, OpenStreetMap, Pexels / Pixabay Images, Related Links, Wikipedia Content, Yelp! Business Listings and YouTube Videos.
Page and Post Attribute Support Define the Page Parent for your generated Pages.
Full Taxonomy Support Choose taxonomy terms to assign to your generated content, or have Page Generator Pro create new taxonomy terms. For more dynamic content, keyword support in taxonomies is provided.
Page Generator is a mass page generator (sometimes known as a mass page creator or bulk page generator) for your landing pages, personalised pages, individual specific pages and placeholder content testing.
For best compatibility, we recommend the Pro version, which includes Page Builder support for Ark, Avada, Avia, Beaver Builder, BeTheme, Bold, Divi, Elementor, Enfold, Flatsome, Fusion Builder, Fresh Builder, Live Composer, Muffin, Pro, SiteOrigin, Thrive Architect, Visual Composer and X.
There are no limits on the number of Pages that can be generated with our mass page creator. We’d recommend checking with your web host how many pages your WordPress installation will support.
For best compatibility, we recommend the Pro version, which includes Page Builder support for Ark, Avada, Avia, Beaver Builder, BeTheme, Bold, Divi, Elementor, Enfold, Flatsome, Fusion Builder, Fresh Builder, Live Composer, Muffin, Pro, SiteOrigin, Thrive Architect, Visual Composer and X.
There are no limits on the number of Pages that can be generated with our mass page creator. We’d recommend checking with your web host how many pages your WordPress installation will support.
There are no limits on the number of Pages that can be generated with our mass page creator. We’d recommend checking with your web host how many pages your WordPress installation will support.
1.7.4 (2024-11-18)
Fix: Keyword Autocompleters: Improved performance by conditionally re-initializing autocompleters
1.7.3 (2024-07-22)
Fix: Generate: Content: Improve performance when Rotate Authors option is enabled.
1.7.2 (2023-10-26)
Fix: Keywords: Use sanitize_sql_orderby() when defining order and order by parameters
1.7.1 (2023-09-07)
Fix: Updated dashboard submodule
1.7.0 (2023-08-23)
Fix: Updated WordPress Coding Standards to 3.0.0
1.6.9 (2023-08-03)
Fix: PHP Deprecated notices in PHP 8.2
1.6.8 (2023-01-26)
Notice: PHP 7.4 is the minimum required version
Added: Generate: Content: Keyword Autocomplete: Gutenberg: Support for Keyword Autocomplete on Title field
Added: Generate: Content: Check ID is a Content Group, and show an error if not
Fix: Keyword Autocompleters: Don’t initialize in Gutenberg / Block Editor text blocks when editing Pages or Posts
Fix: Keywords: Save: Replace utf8_encode() with mb_convert_encoding() for PHP 8.2 compatibility
Fix: Generate: Content: Replace utf8_encode() with mb_convert_encoding() for PHP 8.2 compatibility
Fix: Generate: Content: Keyword Autocomplete: Don’t initialize if no Keywords defined
Fix: Generate: Content: Keywords: PHP Deprecated notice for count() and getIterator()
1.6.7 (2022-07-14)
Fix: Error loading taxonomy class when adding/editing Post Categories or Tags
= (2022-06-25)=
* Fix: Generate: Test Mode: Display link to test page (2022-06-21)
Fix: Coding Standards: Provide specific reasons when ignoring a coding standard (2022-06-21)
Fix: Keywords: Process form data with nonce verification outside of views folder
1.6.6 (2022-06-21)
Added: Generate via Browser: Show dialog confirmation if navigating away from generation window whilst generation is running
Added: Generate via Browser: Remove ‘Generating’ flag on Content Group if navigated away from generation window whilst generation is running
Fix: Keywords: Add/Edit: Strip slashes from quotation marks when adding/editing a Keyword fails validation
Fix: Keywords: Search: Strip slashes from ‘Search results for’ label
Fix: Generate: Content: Test Mode: Honor Resume Index when using Test button in Gutenberg editor
Fix: Ensure code meets WordPress Coding Standards
1.6.4 (2022-06-09)
Added: Support for WordPress 6.0
1.6.3 (2022-05-12)
Fix: Multisite: Activation: Conditionally load required hook depending on WordPress version
1.6.2 (2022-04-24)
Fix: Upgrade link would incorrectly redirect to WordPress Admin dashboard
1.6.1 (2022-03-14)
Fix: Generate via Browser: Call to a member function get_parameters() on null
Fix: Undefined variable: minified
1.6.0 (2022-03-03)
Added: Keywords: Add/Edit: Use WordPress Code Editor for Terms for improved editing, readibility and search
Added: Generate: Content: Permalink: Validate that Keyword syntax is valid prior to Test / Generation
Added: Generate: Content: Keyword Autocomplete: Classic Editor: Up and down keys can be used to select highlighted autocomplete suggestion
Added: Generate: Content: Keyword Autocomplete: Classic Editor: Insert first displayed Keyword suggestion when enter key pressed
Fix: Generate: Content: Keyword Autocomplete: Classic Editor: Don’t show autocompleter when left square bracket key pressed
Fix: Generate: Content: Detect Keywords in Gutenberg Blocks and Page Builders that use nested JSON strings to store data
Fix: Multisite: Activation: Use wp_insert_site hook when available in WordPress 5.1 and higher
1.5.9 (2021-09-17)
Fix: Keywords: Correctly escape Keyword name
Added: Generate: Content: All Method. See Docs:
Fix: Don’t minify Plugin Javascript if a third party minification Plugin is active
Fix: Keyword Autocompleters: Don’t initialize autocompletors if no Keywords have been specified
Added: Localization support, with .pot file and translators comments
Added: Generate via Browser: Clear log after 100 entries to improve browser and generation performance
Fix: Keywords: Autocomplete: Don’t strip commas from existing field when selecting a Keyword from the autocomplete dropdown list
Fix: Keywords: Cache calls made to get_keywords_and_columns() for the request lifecycle, to reduce duplicate queries and improve performance
Fix: Keywords: Uncaught Error: Class ‘League\Csv\Reader’ not found
Fix: Generate: Content: Reduce database requests for Generated Count and Last Index during generation to improve performance for larger sites
Fix: Generate: Content: Prevent memory usage increasing by flushing WordPress’ Term cache occasionally during generation
Fix: Generate: Content: Delete Generated Content: PHP Warnings or AJAX errors when no Generated Content exists
Fix: Generate: Content: Test: URL would wrongly result in 404, even when Test Page/Post was successfully generated
Fix: Generate: Content: Gutenberg: Don’t encode special characters in third party blocks
Fix: Generate: Content: Detect Non-lowercase Keywords and replace them with Terms
Fix: Generate: Content: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object
Fix: Generate: Content: Classic Editor: Bottom Actions Meta Box: Ensure Generate, Trash and Delete buttons perform action when clicked
Fix: Generate via Browser: Display Start and End Index in counter correctly when Resume Index and/or No. Posts specified
Fix: Generate: Content: Classic Editor: Autocomplete: Ensure autocomplete suggestions box height does not exceed 120px and is scrollable
Fix: Generate: Content: Strip HTML tags from Keyword Term Log Output, to avoid browser memory errors
Fix: bbPress: Settings: Forums: Forum Root: Fatal error
Added: Keywords: Add/Edit: Don’t wrap a single Term onto multiple lines
Fix: Keywords: Add/Edit: Validation: Improved error messages when validating field values
Fix: Keywords: Add/Edit: Use for field names for accessibility
Fix: Keywords: Edit: Form field values wouldn’t display immediately after correcting a validation error and successfully saving
Fix: Keywords: Typo on table when no Keywords exist
Added: Generate: Content: Trash and Delete Generated Content will Trash / Delete in batches to avoid timeouts
Fix: Generate: Content: Gutenberg: Don’t remove Permalink field on non-Content Group Post Types
Fix: Generate: Content: Set Author as current logged in WordPress User if none is specified
Fix: Generate: Content: Ensure Author or Random Author specified prior to Generation. See Docs:–author
Added: Generate: Content: Publish draft Content Group immediately before Test, Generate or Generate via Browser to ensure generation works in Gutenberg
Added: Generate: Content: Prevent Preview of Content Group. Use Test functionality to test output
Added: Keywords: Screen Options to define Keywords per Page
Fix: Keywords: Retain Search, Order and Order By parameters when using Pagination
Added: Generate: Content: Developer Actions. See Docs:
Added: Forms: Accessibility: Replaced Titles with elements that focus the given input element on click
Added: Performance: Only load required Plugin classes depending on the request type
Fix: Generate: Don’t attempt to replace Keywords that don’t exist
Fix: CSS: Renamed option class to wpzinc-option to avoid CSS conflicts with third party Plugins
Fix: Generate: Improved Performance by ~80% when using ~10,000+ Keyword Terms and/or Keyword Transformations, Columns and nth Terms.
Fix: Activation: Prevent DB character set / collation errors on table creation by using WordPress’ native get_charset_collate()
Fix: Generate: Content: Keyword Dropdown: Ensure width does not exceed meta box
Fix: Generate: Content: Keyword Dropdown: Ensure height does not exceed 120px and is scrollable
Fix: Keywords: Could not Save Keyword when defining several columns that would exceed 200 characters in total length
Added: Keywords: Keyword Names can include any language
Fix: Keywords: Terms: Remove empty newlines
Fix: Keywords: Database error: Field ‘columns doesn’t have a default value
Added: Generate: Content: Verbose logging on Generation
Added: Generate: Content: Metaboxes are no longer filtered out or removed, ensuring better third party Theme / Plugin compatibility (e.g. SEO Plugins)
Added: Generate: Content: Autocomplete Keyword Suggestions displayed when typing in Title and Permalink fields
Fix: Generate: Content: Author field search failing
Fix: Minified all CSS and JS for performance
Fix: Fatal error on Plugin Activation
Added: Success and Error Notices can be dismissed
Fix: Generate: Honor Page Template Setting
Fix: Keywords: Ensure that Sorting Keywords in the table doesn’t re-trigger a duplicate or delete event
Fix: Activation: Don’t specify ENGINE on CREATE TABLE syntax
Fix: Multisite: Network Activation: Ensure database tables are automatically created on all existing sites
Fix: Multisite: Network Activation: Ensure database tables are automatically created on new sites created after Network Activation of Plugin
Fix: Multisite: Site Activation: Ensure database tables are created
Fix: UI Enhancements for mobile compatibility
Fix: ACF and Divi compatibility
Fix: Generate: Action Buttons CSS to ensure buttons aren’t cut off
Fix: Removed all select2 references, as select2 is no longer used
Fix: Keywords: Allow Keywords to be sorted ascending and descending when clicking Keywords column in table
Added: Generate Content: Test, Generate and Delete Generated Content Actions in Sidebar for Gutenberg Editor
Added: Generate Content: Gutenberg Compatibility
Added: Keywords: Use native wpdb class insert(), update() and delete() functions when creating, updating and deleting Keywords
Added: Generate: Content: Yoast SEO: Prevent Yoast SEO stripping curly braces from Canonical URL
Added: Generate: Output: Display Keywords + Term Replacements used in each Page Generation
Fix: Generate Content: Gutenberg: Save all Settings
Fix: Generate Content: Initialize array in a PHP 5+ compatible manner
Fix: Generate Content: Ignore _wp_page_template if supplied in Post Meta; this ensures the Content Group’s Page Template is always honored.
Fix: Generate Content: Improved error message in Test and Generate mode when the total number of possible keyword term combinations exceeds PHP’s floating point limit.
Fix: Generate Content: Confirmation Dialogs localized for translation
Fix: Generate Content: Correctly replace keywords when using PHP versions older than 5.5.x (please upgrade to PHP 7 – PHP 5.x is end of life January 1st 2019:
Fix: Generate Content: Author field now uses selectize asynchronous search for better performance on sites with a large number of WordPress Users
Fix: Exclude Content Groups from Yoast SEO Sitemaps, regardless of Yoast settings
Fix: Call wp_enqueue_media() on Plugin screens, because Plugins which register Meta Boxes and Yoast SEO wrongly assume that there is always a Visual Editor and Featured Image on a Post Type
Added: Don’t initialize plugin if the Pro version is installed; prevents 500 internal server errors when users wrongly attempt to run both Free + Pro versions at the same time
Added: show_in_rest = false for Content Groups, until we’re happy that the Gutenberg editor is stable in WordPress
Added: Generate: Output: Display Keywords + Term Replacements used in each Page and Post Generation
Fix: Generate: Use date_i18n() instead of date() to ensure that published Posts honor WordPress’ locale
Fix: Generate: Attributes: Only display Template option if the Post Type has registered templates available
Fix: Generate: Prevent Preview / View of Group on frontend, which results in errors (use ‘Test’ method instead)
Fix: Keywords: Prevent spaces in Keywords
Fix: Generate: Prevent spaces in Permalink
Fix: Code formatting
Fix: Generate: Fatal error when using certain Themes
Added: Post Type Template Support (WordPress 4.7+)
Added: Generate: Support for large keyword term combinations in All mode (e.g. 100 million+ pages). Requires PHP 5.5+
Fix: Keywords: Prevent spaces in Keywords
Fix: Generate: Prevent spaces in Permalink
Fix: Code formatting
Fix: Generate: Use date_i18n() instead of date() to ensure that published Posts honor WordPress’ locale
Fix: 404 errors on generated Pages when Page Parent was previous set and then removed
Added: Improved UI
Fix: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal constructor in admin-min.js for clipboard.js functionality
Fix: Generate: Blank screen for some users
Fix: Undefined variable errors
Fix: Only display Review Helper for Super Admin and Admin
Added: Review Helper to check if the user needs help
Updated: Dashboard Submodule
Added: Version bump to match Pro version, using same core codebase and UI for basic features. Fixes several oustanding bugs
Added: Post Type: Use variable for Post Type Name for better abstraction
Fix: Generate: Don’t attempt to test for permitted meta boxes if none exist
Fix: Generate: Check Custom Fields are set before running checks on them
Fix: Use Plugin Name variable for better abstraction
Fix: Improved Installation and Upgrade routines
Fix: Changed branding from WP Cube to WP Zinc
Fix: Display keywords in keyword table
Tested with WordPress 4.3
Fix: plugin_dir_path() and plugin_dir_url() used for Multisite / symlink support
Fix: Dashboard errors
Fix: Changed Menu Icon
Fix: WordPress 4.0 compatibility
Added: Support for HTML elements in keyword data
Added translation support and .pot file
First release.
How to install Page Generator
Upload the page-generator folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
Active the Page Generator plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Configure the plugin by going to the Page Generator menu that appears in your admin menu