

fix all kinds of 404s, fix broken link & images automatically,log each 404,redirect each broken link to specific URL,404 mail alert,export 404s,re …

  • Almost active
    This plugin was not updated the last 364 days ago.
  • This plugin is tested with the last major release of WordPress
    Content for list item
  • There is no information available which PHP version this plugin requires
    The latest stable PHP 8.4.3 was released on 16 January 2025
  • No unfixed plugin vulnerabilities
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Active installs


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Support Threads


Last updated

07 February 2024


21 December 2016


  • Version 3.5


404 global settings panel
404s Log Panel
Create post for each 404 error page not found URL
Manage 404 posts
Export 404s logs to excel csv file for SEO analyze...

About 404s


FAQs can be found here: https://tooltips.org/


Version 3.5.1

follow wordpress security standard to use esc_attr to escaped all output
use sanitize_text_field to check and filter $_SERVER and $_REQUEST…etc too
Thank You for guidance

Version 3.4.9

fix problem in “Stop Insert New 404 Log Records into Database”
fix option “Clear 404 logs now”
follow wordpress security standard to use sanitize_text_field to enhance security for field values which submit by super admin in wordpress admin
Thanks for the report

Version 3.3.5

Support wordpress 5.5
Removed unused functions and comments, removed debug codes, clean codes, clean unused css codes

Version 3.3.3

wordpress 404s plugin support multiple language, we use load_plugin_textdomain() to load plugin’s translated srtings, you can translate it with your language and put your .mo file in languages folder

Version 3.3.1

Follow wordpress standard to imporoved menus of wordpress 404s plugin

Version 3.2.9

Version 3.2.5

Support create post for each 404 error urls, for example, you can create a post your.com/best-apple-iphone for the 404 error url your.com/apples, and create another post your.com/buy-iphone for 404 error url your.com/buy

Version 3.1.3

Export 404s records to CSV: you can export all 404 pages with user informations to CSV file, CSV file can be used in excel, you can use excel to sort & analyze 404s error pages and 404 users, in “404 Global Settings” panel, just click “Export 404s” menu item to export 404s records into CSV file.

Version 3.0.3

Added more detailed description in setting panels to hlep users setp up easier

Version 2.9.3

In “404 Global Settings” panel, option to set up to redirect 404 error page to specific posts, if users enter an error page url, when they open the 404 error pages, they will go to be redirected to your specific page, it can be your landing page, shop page, login page, category…. and url, even URL of another site!

Version 2.8.3

Option to send 404 URL alert to webmaster’s mail box, you can enable or disable 404 alert in 404 global settings panel
If you enable 404 error alert email notification, you can customize the email address which used to receive 404 errors notification

Version 2.5.7

Added screenshot for 404 global settings panel

Version 2.5.5

In wordpress 404s settings panel, added “Redirect 404 with 301 moved permanently status code or 302 code” option box
Added more description

Version 2.4.7

Fixed a php warning in log, which generated in paginate links of “404 Page Not Found Log” panel, caused by a few site did not use https

Version 2.4.5

Fix the php warning in apache log, which caused by some pages have no $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’]

Version 2.4.3

In 404s trace page in admin area, added paginate navigation links, if the number of 404 records more than 20,
we will show paginate navigation links at the bottom of the 404s page, you will see navigation links pre, 1,2,3…, next.. and so on
per page will show 20 404 records

Version 1.4.3

Support redirect 404 error page users to custom url
In 404s Global Settings panel, you will find the in the select box “Redirect 404 to HomePage”, we added new option “Custom URL”,
if you select “Custom URL”, URL input box will shown under the select box, you can enter custom url in here,
if you select other options in the select box, the url input box will be hide
in front end, when users view a page which do not exist, he will be redirected to the custom url

Instead of ‘wp_redirect’ function, we use wp_safe_redirect with 301 status to get a better and safe redirection for users and improve seo rank

Version 1.2.1

opt to redirect 404 error page to home page
You will find “Redirect 404 to HomePage ? ” option box in “404 Global Settings” panel, opt to redirect 404 error page to home page, so users come from search engines will not open 404 errror pages, they will go to home page directly

Version 1.1.1

Improved design in back end 404 trace page, will not messed up again when user enter a very long URL

Version 1.0.9

Added “Global Setting Panel” in admin area
You can remove 404 Logs now
When change settings in admin area, we will show a notify bar after the settings changed successful
Improved UI in setting panel
Fixed the bug of UI messed up when emptyed log

Version 1.0

How to install 404s

1:Upload the 404s plugin to your blog
2:Activate it
3: You will find 404s menu item in admin area, just click 404s menu item, you can find all 404 records in a table.
1, 2, 3: You’re done!