26 August 2022
26 August 2022
Based on 0 on WordPress.org
What this plugin do ?
-> This plugin will redirect any 404 ( not found ) woocommerce proudcts url to it\’s similar ( matching in slug ) other product url or related product category page.
Does it redirect any 404 url?
-> No. It will only work on products that returns 404 not found error.
My Site language is not in English. Will it work here ?
-> It should work on any matching product urls. If it doesn’t work for your site, please reach out to us in the support section. We’ll get back to you promptly with a solution.
1.0.0 Automatic 404 to 301 implementation on product urls
Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Search for \’404 to 301 for Woo products url\’, Install and active the plugin.
Additionally you can also manually install this plugin by downloading the zip file and then go to Plugins -> Add New -> upload the zip, install and active the plugin.