3D WP Tag Cloud-M

3D WP Tag Cloud-M

3D WP Tag Cloud-M creates multiple 3D tag clouds widget.

  • Almost active
    This plugin was not updated the last 2511 days ago.
  • This plugin is not tested with the last major release of WordPress
    Content for list item
  • There is no information available which PHP version this plugin requires
    The latest stable PHP 8.4.1 was released on 21 November 2024
  • No information about vulnerabilities and unfixed security issues is available.
    Content for list item



Active installs


Total Downloads


Support Threads


Last updated

17 January 2018


20 October 2014


  • Version 3.2

About 3D WP Tag Cloud-M


Installation Instructions


  1. Download the zip file and extract the content.
  2. Upload the ‘3D WP Tag Cloud’ folder to your plugins directory (wp-content/plugins/).
  3. Login to your WordPress Admin menu, go to ‘Appearance > Widgets’ and if required enable accessibility mode in ‘Screen Options’ (right top corner).
  4. Add a widget instance.


  1. Use WordPress’ built-in installer and activate the plugin.
  2. Go to ‘Appearance > Widgets’ and if required enable accessibility mode in ‘Screen Options’ (right top corner).
  3. Add a widget instance.



  1. Tested WP 4.9.2 compatibility and added message to users for support discontinuance of the plugin.


  1. Improved algorithm for tag canvas resizing at orientation change of mobile devices.


  1. Improved algorithm of tag canvas sizing on mobile devices.


  1. Fixed a bug related to WP 4.8 Compatibility.


  1. Made WP 4.8 Compatible.


  1. Precised font fields sizes in plugin’s Control Panel.


  1. Fixed bug in menu positioning on mobile devices.


  1. Clouds are made responsive to mobile devices.
  2. Fixed bug in loading tag links on mobile devices.


  1. Added link to plugin’s YouTube Tutorial Channel in GUIDE & TIPS section.
  2. Made compatible with latest Graham Brich’s JS TagCanvas v. 2.9:
    • Added “marching ants” outline effect.
    • Added “tag” and “tagbg” outline color options.
    • Added “outline” Weight Method.
    • Added smooth pulsation for “size” Outline Method.
  3. Lists of Web Safe Font and Center Function Font show the way text will look like.
  4. Added 0 value for Maximal number of post tags to display, which loads all tags.
  5. Added “Target” option to “Archives”, “Categories”, “Menu”, “Page/Post links” and “Post tags” types of content.
  6. Fixed bugs in color & background Weight Methods.
  7. Fixed bugs in Authors weighting algorithm.
  8. Fixed bugs in “Include menu items” algorithm.
  9. Some code improvements have been made and some discrepancies in tips section have been clarified.


  1. WP 4.4.2 Compatible.


  1. Added Shortcode support: Tag clouds can be included in pages and posts via generated Shortcode.
  2. Added 47 new shapes: A, Apple-1, Apple-2, Balloon, Blackhole, Bowtie, Butterfly, Dancers, Diaminity, Diamond, Earing, Egg Box, Excavator, Fish-1, Fish-2, Infinity-1, Infinity-2,
    Insect, Lissajous, M, Mobius, Monster, N, O, Owlish, Pearish, Pillow, Rim, Roundabout, Star-1, Star-2, Starwars-1, Starwars-2, Starwars-3, Starwars-4, Teardrop, Torus, UFO, V, W,
    Wall-E’s Eye, Walnut, Wings, X, Y, Yin Yangish and ZS.
  3. Fixed a bug in “Cube” shape function.
  4. Code improvements.


  1. Added a new shape: DNA that starts of horizontal.
  2. Added an option for showing number of posts in a category.
  3. Added an option for showing number of posts where a post tag is used.
  4. Plugin description was simplified.


  1. Added automatic reminder to the site administrator after installation of new version to open and save the old Widget Instances for making them compatible if necessary.
  2. Added instructions in ‘GUIDE & TIPS > Cloud Content Tips’ section on how to put Portfolio Categories, Portfolio Items, Portfolio Filters, Slider Categories and/or Slider Items into the
    cloud via Menus content type.


  1. Added Image Radius option for rounding off image corners.
  2. Updated to Graham Breach’s Javascript class TagCanvas v. 2.8.


  1. Added a Target option for opening tag links in a new tab/window, parent or top frame. Available to Authors, Blogroll, Pages and Recent Posts.


  1. Prevented Firefox from showing an error when image_cf() is selected without supplying an image URL for it.


  1. Added a new shape: Crown.
  2. Extended range of some Number of tags options.


  1. Added a new shape: Saturn.


  1. Added a new shape: Domes.
  2. Improved shapes Glass and Sandglass.


  1. Added a new shape: DNA.
  2. Added an option for Minimal Number of Tags in the Cloud.
  3. Improved Balls Shape function.
  4. Updated to Graham Breach’s Javascript class TagCanvas v. 2.7.


  1. Added new types of content: Current Page/Post Links and Custom HTML container (div, table, ul etc.).
  2. Added new shapes: Rings Knotwork and Love.
  3. Extended range of Radius X, Radius Y and Radius Z.
  4. Fixed small bugs in Control Panel.


  1. Added a new shape: 3D spiral.
  2. Fixed bug in Blossom Shape.


  1. Fixed bug in Center Function for text.


  1. Added new shapes: 3D axes, Balls, Blossom, Bulb, Christmas fir, Candy, Capsule, Concentric circles, Cube, Egg, Glass, Globe of rings, Heart, Knot, Lemon,
    Lighthouse beam, Parabolic antenna, Peg top that starts off horizontal, Peg top that starts off vertical, Roller of rings, Sandglass, Square, Stool, Starecase,
    Tire, Tower of rings, Triangle and Triangle pyramid.
  2. Added new tips.
  3. Extended range of some size options.
  4. Fixed bug in Center Function for images.
  5. Fixed small bugs.


  1. Added rotation around z-axis and an option for setting its speed.
  2. Improved algorithm of hexagon 2D shape.


  1. Added two new 2D shapes: spiral and hexagon.


  1. Fixed bug in selecting Central Function.
  2. Fixed bug in positioning multiple menu under tag canvas when sidebar is wider.


  1. The minimal values of Radius X, Radius Y & Radius Z are shifted to zero so clouds could be one or two dimensional.
  2. Reduced step between Radius X,Y,Z values for precise setting size of dynamic Menu.
  3. Expanded scope of Canvas Height (90px – 960px): now Tag Cloud could be used as Header/Footer menu or Leaderboard Banner (728×90).
  4. Reduced step between Depth values for precise setting of perspective.
  5. Reduced step between Initial values for precise control of speed.
  6. Fixed bug in HEX check of entered colors.


  1. Changed the way Google Fonts are selected: All Google Fonts are included in a drop-down menu. Thus fonts are no more typed but selected.
  2. Automatic update of Google Fonts List from Google Font Library.
  3. Small code improvements.


  1. Added a new feature for Recent posts, Pages, Menu Items, List of Authors and External Links (blogroll): Support for mixed image/text tags and choice of image, text or both.
  2. Added text and image alignment options.
  3. Added an option to enable/disable a “No tags” message when there are no tags to display.
  4. Added an option for limiting number of Pages that can be rotated in the cloud.
  5. Updated to Graham Breach’s Javascript class TagCanvas v. 2.6.1.
  6. Added new tips in Help section.
  7. Fixed bug in freezing animation till next page loads.
  8. Made some code improvements.


The First Version.

How to install 3D WP Tag Cloud-M


  1. Download the zip file and extract the content.
  2. Upload the ‘3D WP Tag Cloud’ folder to your plugins directory (wp-content/plugins/).
  3. Login to your WordPress Admin menu, go to ‘Appearance > Widgets’ and if required enable accessibility mode in ‘Screen Options’ (right top corner).
  4. Add a widget instance.


  1. Use WordPress’ built-in installer and activate the plugin.
  2. Go to ‘Appearance > Widgets’ and if required enable accessibility mode in ‘Screen Options’ (right top corner).
  3. Add a widget instance.