3CX Webinars

3CX Webinars

The 3CX Webinars plugin provides free Webinars functionality to website visitors through 3CX.

  • Almost active
    This plugin was not updated the last 540 days ago.
  • This plugin is tested with the last major release of WordPress
    Content for list item
  • Compatible with the latest major PHP release
    This plugin requieres PHP 7.2.0 or higher. The latest stable PHP 8.4.3 was released on 16 January 2025
  • No information about vulnerabilities and unfixed security issues is available.
    Content for list item



Active installs


Total Downloads


Support Threads


Last updated

16 August 2023


28 January 2019


  • Version 10.4
  • Version 18.2


New Webinar options in 3CX Web Client.
3CX Web Client view of scheduled webinars as seen by 3CX user/agent.
3CX Webinars plugin configuration UI and options.
Visitor views list of published webinars via the 3CX Webinars plugin
Visitor views list of published webinars via the 3CX Webinars plugin while chatting via 3CX Live Chat and Talk plugin on a WordPress website.
Visitor subscribes to published webinar via the 3CX Webinars plugin subscribe dialog.

About 3CX Webinars


Create a new “Webinar Form” item, specify the “3CX Public HTTPS URL”, “3CX API Key” and “3CX Extension Number” to use in a post or page via shortcode, i.e. [3cx-webinar id=”3″ title=”My Webinars”]

Reviewing the included sample entry and the built-in help tooltips can assist you while configuring Webinar Form fields.

With the default configuration, this plugin does not:
* Track users
* Save personal data to the database
* Use cookies.
This plugin communicates with the 3CX system server for authentication purposes and to retrieve Webinar lists. No personal data is sent during this process.
Name and email addresses of webinar attendees are sent to the 3CX server and stored on 3CX Phone System for the period of time required to allow participants to attend the Webinar, after which they are deleted. No participant data is written or stored on the WordPress database.

No, visitors need to subscribe to webinars providing their name or email address to get notified for webinars and subscription validation via the 3CX API.

The plugin notifies 3CX users for webinar subscriptions via the participants for the respective webinar entries in the 3CX Web Client’s “New Conference” function.

Yes, including a “Webinar Form” shortcode in a private WordPress post or page makes the Webinars via 3CX system plugin accessible only to authorized users.

Use the “3CX Extension Number” field to point each “Webinar Form” entry to a respective 3CX system extension.

Reviewing the included sample entry and the built-in help tooltips can assist you while configuring Webinar Form fields.

With the default configuration, this plugin does not:
* Track users
* Save personal data to the database
* Use cookies.
This plugin communicates with the 3CX system server for authentication purposes and to retrieve Webinar lists. No personal data is sent during this process.
Name and email addresses of webinar attendees are sent to the 3CX server and stored on 3CX Phone System for the period of time required to allow participants to attend the Webinar, after which they are deleted. No participant data is written or stored on the WordPress database.

No, visitors need to subscribe to webinars providing their name or email address to get notified for webinars and subscription validation via the 3CX API.

The plugin notifies 3CX users for webinar subscriptions via the participants for the respective webinar entries in the 3CX Web Client’s “New Conference” function.

Yes, including a “Webinar Form” shortcode in a private WordPress post or page makes the Webinars via 3CX system plugin accessible only to authorized users.

Use the “3CX Extension Number” field to point each “Webinar Form” entry to a respective 3CX system extension.

With the default configuration, this plugin does not:
* Track users
* Save personal data to the database
* Use cookies.
This plugin communicates with the 3CX system server for authentication purposes and to retrieve Webinar lists. No personal data is sent during this process.
Name and email addresses of webinar attendees are sent to the 3CX server and stored on 3CX Phone System for the period of time required to allow participants to attend the Webinar, after which they are deleted. No participant data is written or stored on the WordPress database.

No, visitors need to subscribe to webinars providing their name or email address to get notified for webinars and subscription validation via the 3CX API.

The plugin notifies 3CX users for webinar subscriptions via the participants for the respective webinar entries in the 3CX Web Client’s “New Conference” function.

Yes, including a “Webinar Form” shortcode in a private WordPress post or page makes the Webinars via 3CX system plugin accessible only to authorized users.

Use the “3CX Extension Number” field to point each “Webinar Form” entry to a respective 3CX system extension.

No, visitors need to subscribe to webinars providing their name or email address to get notified for webinars and subscription validation via the 3CX API.

The plugin notifies 3CX users for webinar subscriptions via the participants for the respective webinar entries in the 3CX Web Client’s “New Conference” function.

Yes, including a “Webinar Form” shortcode in a private WordPress post or page makes the Webinars via 3CX system plugin accessible only to authorized users.

Use the “3CX Extension Number” field to point each “Webinar Form” entry to a respective 3CX system extension.

The plugin notifies 3CX users for webinar subscriptions via the participants for the respective webinar entries in the 3CX Web Client’s “New Conference” function.

Yes, including a “Webinar Form” shortcode in a private WordPress post or page makes the Webinars via 3CX system plugin accessible only to authorized users.

Use the “3CX Extension Number” field to point each “Webinar Form” entry to a respective 3CX system extension.

Yes, including a “Webinar Form” shortcode in a private WordPress post or page makes the Webinars via 3CX system plugin accessible only to authorized users.

Use the “3CX Extension Number” field to point each “Webinar Form” entry to a respective 3CX system extension.

Use the “3CX Extension Number” field to point each “Webinar Form” entry to a respective 3CX system extension.


Improved compatibility with Elementor and LazyLoad plugins

Updated all translations with .mo files

Added compatibility for V18 U1 (Known issue: no meeting description displayed, only title)
updated polish and russian translations

Added Test API Request function to Webinar editor
Improved error messages
Added Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish languages

First public release for 3CX System v18 Update 2

How to install 3CX Webinars

  1. Go to “Plugins” > “Add New” in WordPress admin, search for 3CX Webinars and click on “Install Now”.
  2. When the installation completes, switch to the 3CX v18+ Management Console, go to Settings > Conferencing section and click “Generate” to create a new API token, authorizing the plugin to request and publish the webinar list on your WordPress site.
  3. Click on “Show” to display the 3CX API token and click on the “Copy” icon to use the token on your WordPress site. Now you can create Webinar Forms to publish webinars for your WordPress site’s visitors in specific pages, posts or even site-wide.
  4. To create a new “Webinar Form” in your WordPress site administration panel, click on the “3CX Webinars” sidebar link and then on “Add New”.
    a) “PBX Public URL” – your 3CX system public URL (e.g. https://mypbx.3cx.eu:5001).
    b) “3CX API Token” – paste the 64 chars token copied previously from Settings > Conferencing > API section of the 3CX system Management Console.
    c) “3CX Extension Number” – specify the 3CX system extension number from which to retrieve the webinar list.
    d) Use the rest of the fields to customize the 3CX Webinars plugin functionality on your website and click “Save” when done.
  5. Test out the new Webinar Form in a post, a page or even site-wide using the plugin’s shortcode format [3cx-webinar id=”9″ title=”Upcoming Webinars”]